This genus differs from all other genera of Boletaceae in its occurrence on humus, pulverulent pileus
with an incurved margin yet but without a membranous marginal veil, a yellow hymenophore when young and staining blue when bruised, an interwoven subcutis pileipellis, and comparatively small basidiospores.
Fresh basidiomata of representative species-4. a–b. Boletellus obscurecoccineus (HKAS77662); c–e. Buchwaldoboletus lignicola (c-d-HKAS76674, e-HKAS 76676); f–h. Butyriboletus pseudospeciosus (f-HKAS 67910, g-h-HKAS 82796); i–j. Butyriboletus roseoflavus (i-HKAS 80557, j-HKAS 54099); k–l. Butyriboletus subsplendidus (k-HKAS 82375, l-HKAS 52661); m–o. Butyriboletus yicibus (m-HKAS
57411, n-HKAS 68669, o-HKAS 56163)
The butter boletes (Boletus s.l. sect. Appendiculati) are an economically important group of ectomycorrhizal fungi whose basidiocarps have a yellow
tube layer that often bruises blue, yellow reticulate stipe, mild flavor and firm yellow-tinged flesh that may or may not turn blue when exposed.
Morphologically, the genus is characterized by the combination of the yellow hymenophore, smooth spores that are olivebrown in deposit, an interwoven pileipellis, a bluish colorchange and a distinctly bitter taste of the context.
This genus differs from all other genera of Boletaceae in its scabrous stipe surface and chrome yellow stipe base, yellow to chrome yellow pileal and stipe context which is without color change when hurt, white to pinkish or pink hymenophore, trichodermium pileipellis and smooth basidiospores. Context yellow to bright yellow, unchanging in color when injured.
This genus can easily be distinguished from other genera of Boletaceae by the combination of the context of the stipe becoming first bluish, then reddish to brownish red, and finally brownish to blackish when cut, the thick hymenophore being 3–5 (7) times that of the pileal context, and the basidiospore surface with bacillate ornamentation.
The genus Imleria can be easily distinguished from other genera of Boletaceae by the combination of the following characters: a chestnut brown pileus and stipe, a cream to pale yellow hymenophore, a viscid pileal surface when moist, a cyanescent context and hymenophore on handling or exposure, an ixotrichodermal pileipellis and smooth spores
Basidiomata of Imleria species. a. Im. badia (HKAS 74713, by M. Gelardi). b. Im. obscurebrunnea (HKAS 50477, photo by Z.L. Yang). c. Im. parva (HKAS 55341, holotype, photo by B. Feng). d. Im. subalpina (HKAS 74712, photo by B. Feng).
Morphologically, Pseudoaustroboletus is distinguished from other boletoid lineages by a combination of morphological characters, including the pale pinkish to light pinkish or greyish pink hymenophore, the distinctly reticulated stipe surface, the smooth basidiospores, the brown
to dark yellow-brown pigmented cystidia, and the trichodermial brown to dark brown pigmented pileipellis.
FIG. 3. Basidiomata of Retiboletus species. a–c. R. fuscus (a–b from HKAS 59460; c from 83946). d–g. R. kauffmanii (d–e from HKAS 63584, epitype; f–g from HKAS 76418). h–j. R. pseudogriseus (HKAS 83950, holotype). k–o. R. sinensis (k from HKAS 83955; l from HKAS 83956, holotype; m–o from HKAS 59832). p–t. R. zhangfeii (p from HKAS 83960; q from HKAS 83961; r, t from HKAS 83962, holotype; s from HKAS 83963) (a–b photo Y.C. Li; c photo T. Ma; d–e photo G. Wu; f–g photo Y.J. Hao; h–t photo N.K. Zeng).
Rubroboletus differs from the remaining genera in Boletaceae by the combination of a reddish
pileal surface, an orange-red to blood red surface of the hymenophore, yellow tubes, pink to red reticula or spots on the yellow background of the stipe, a bluish color-change when injured, a non-amyloid context, smooth spores which are olivebrown in deposit, and an interwoven trichodermal pileipellis.
Tengioboletus fujianensis
This genus differs from all other genera of Boletaceae in its white to yellow hymenophore, yellowish to yellow context without color change when cut, an epithelium to ixotrichodermium pileipellis composed of inflated hyphae, and smooth basidiospores.
Morphologically Veloporphyrellus is distinguished from other boletoid genera by the combination of the pinkish or grayish pink hymenophore,
the membranous veil hanging on the pilea margin, the trichoderm-like pileus covering and the smooth basidiospores.
Habitat of Veloporphyrellus species. A–C. V. alpinus (A–B. holotype, B. Feng 761-HKAS 57490, KUN. C. B. Feng 1266-HKAS 63669, KUN). D–F. V. conicus (D. B. Ortiz-Santana 321-BZ 1670, CFMR. E. B. Ortiz-Santana 356-BZ 1705, CFMR. F. B. Ortiz-Santana 480-BZ 2408, CFMR). G–I. V. pseudovelatus (G. L.P. Tang 1212-HKAS 63032, KUN. H. holotype, Z.L. Yang 4941-HKAS 52258, KUN. I. Y.C. Li 2815-HKAS 63670, KUN). J–L. V. velatus (J–L. N.K. Zeng 763-HKAS 63668, KUN).
Zangia is distinguished from other boletoid lineages by its combination of rugose pileus, pinkish to pink hymenophore, pink to pinkish brown spore deposit, pink scabrous squamules on the stipe, chrome yellow to golden yellow stipe base, chrome yellow to golden yellow mycelia on the base of the stipe, ixohyphoepithelium pileipellis, glabrous spores and bluish colour changes in the stipe in some species.